Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Years Gone By

I cannot believe it has been years since I have posted on this Blog.  Where does time go?  I am still a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant but so much has happened in life.
If you have read anything I posted before, I did make my goal and debut as a Sales Director on the Dallas Seminar Stage.  Unfortunately life took a series of twists and turns that were not foreseeable and I had to step down.  But hey, that happens, it is life after all.
I still have a dedicated team of woman working with me and we fully plan on entering DIQ again soon.  We have been doing some talking and it looks like we are going to shoot for submission August or September.  July is a notoriously bad month for sales and since it is a team effort to get through qualification we made the decision not to put ourselves in a position where we wouldn't excel.
Of course I am still looking for more women/men to join my team and be a part of this amazing company.  If by chance you are interested in working from home, either part time, or full time. Let me know.  You can work when you want to work since you are the boss!
Things may have changed over the past two years but one thing remains the same . . . I absolutely LOVE my Mary Kay <3