Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Years Gone By

I cannot believe it has been years since I have posted on this Blog.  Where does time go?  I am still a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant but so much has happened in life.
If you have read anything I posted before, I did make my goal and debut as a Sales Director on the Dallas Seminar Stage.  Unfortunately life took a series of twists and turns that were not foreseeable and I had to step down.  But hey, that happens, it is life after all.
I still have a dedicated team of woman working with me and we fully plan on entering DIQ again soon.  We have been doing some talking and it looks like we are going to shoot for submission August or September.  July is a notoriously bad month for sales and since it is a team effort to get through qualification we made the decision not to put ourselves in a position where we wouldn't excel.
Of course I am still looking for more women/men to join my team and be a part of this amazing company.  If by chance you are interested in working from home, either part time, or full time. Let me know.  You can work when you want to work since you are the boss!
Things may have changed over the past two years but one thing remains the same . . . I absolutely LOVE my Mary Kay <3

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I don't know where the time went but realized I have not blogged in months.  So much has changed in my Mary Kay business I will have to go back and blog some catch up articles.  In a quick nutshell I have 9 team members and hope to have my 10th by the end of this month. This is my first month of production towards my first free car and I should enter Director in Qualification this month.  These last few months have been a whirlwind but all I can say is that I have really been enjoying the journey.  My team, my unit, my pink bubble group, the powder puff girls (I will blog about) are all amazing and I can not imagine my life without any of them.

I am returning to blogging and will introduce you to my Unit of amazing women !

<3 Kathleen

Thursday, August 30, 2012

On Target

The first day of my Mary Kay Career was July 10, 2012 and at the beginning of the first quarter of the 50th Anniversary Year of Mary Kay Cosmetics.  At the time I had no idea what an honor it was going to be to take part in the festivities this year is going to offer. 

Last month, I announced my goal for the month of August which was to reach Senior Consultant.  Did I want my Red Jacket in August? Of course! But it was not my goal.  My goal was to get one team member. I wrote this goal down on the white board in front of all the Supergirls and today . . . I reached that goal.  I successfully recruited a woman I worked with at a Maritime Law Firm a few years back.  I admired her at the time and I am sure she didn't know it, but she will eventually now since she is my team member and will read this at some point.  I admired her because she was a strong woman.  She never let anyone talk down to her no matter who it was but yet she was one of the most caring people I have met.  She barely knew me when my birthday came around but when I walked in to my office I had balloons EVERYWHERE, a basket full of pink items, a pink tiara and a magic wand.  Oh and a boa that she made me wear.  Ill never forget that morning and how she made me feel!   Did I also mention she was a Mary Kay Consultant?

Fast forward many years and this time I am the Consultant.  I sent her an email and simply asked "Still selling Mary Kay?"  "No" she replied.  A few weeks pass and I take a shot in the dark and email her asking to meet up for coffee.  Since she was no longer a Consultant, I knew she had no concept of the newly launched Timewise Repair and I had no doubt she would want the product line.

We met up for coffee and it was just like old times. We took over a table in the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble  with a few bags full of product. I walk through the changes throughout the past few years.  She purchases a few odds and ends and tells me she is going to sign up to get the product at a discount but also now that she is retired she is going to actively build her business right along with me. 

I am so BLESSED to have her on my team as I continue my journey to Directorship.  There are those people you meet that need Mary Kay in their lives, but then there are people you know that Mary Kay needs . . . and Mary Kay NEEDS Debra.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

And There It Was !!

On the way to the grocery store today I decided to stop by the tanning salon where I have some catalogs, cards, and a facial box.  I have checked this box every few days for a few weeks now and every time . . . nothing. 

Today was no different from any other day other than I got a few good business leads this morning that have a lot of potential. I just have to figure out how to work it. 

I pull in to the parking spot right up front (like normal) and walk in.  The girls all said hi and wondered what bed I wanted.  I let them know I wasn't going tanning at that moment I just stopped by to check the box just in case.  We start laughing about the summer being over in Seattle since we had 3 weeks of sun.  As I lift the lid off (cue cheesy horror movie soundtrack here) . . .  I catch a glimpse of white paper . . . things start to move in slow motion . . . . there is a new name and number in there!!  I got so excited. This is my first new contact from the boxes.

I think I actually skipped to the car and immediately took this picture.  I was so happy I must have been smiling from ear to ear.  Then panic set in. Okay, I tell myself, now you have to call her!  She said the best time to contact her was after 6 by phone or email.  Since it was still early, I sent her an email to let her know I received her information and when she got a little bit of time to call me and we could talk about skin care, makeup, and parties.  So now it is just a waiting game to see if there is contact back.  If I don't hear from her soon I will give her a call. 

Today I came to a fork in the road and I decided to take the path lined with Mary Kay Cosmetics <3  After all, I get paid to party !!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

When a Cupcake is More than Just a Cupcake

On Saturday we learned about the different personality types (D - I - S - C) and how these personality traits come out and also how to talk to those personality types.  The first step however was to figure out what your personality type was.  We then broke up into groups depending upon our personality types to discuss how we relate to other people and how we can better relate to those around us with conflicting types. 
When I finished the test I found out that I was pretty close with all of my traits but my primary was I and my secondary was S.  This doesn't surprise me at all since I am the artsy type person and highly emotional. I think I have always been I then S and probably a lot stronger traits earlier in childhood.  After art school I decided to go in to the legal field and that is probably where I developed my D and C traits. 

With age I have learned how to tap in to my D or C trait when I need to but those are not the traits that guide me.  I have been and always be the dreamer who can easily be shattered by words and actions.  To walk in to a room and be ignored hurts, not because I need to be the center of attention but because I am an emotional person.  I tend to feel abandoned or disliked if I am not acknowledged.  Part of this comes from the lack of self esteem but also my personality.  I also do not like to feel like I am being talked down to.  I come across this in the legal field a lot.  Attorneys (at times) will talk down to me because I do not have a J.D. after my name but in reality I have had more of a college education. (I switched majors three times).

The fun part of this whole experiment was we then had to decorate cupcakes in accordance with our personality types.  So being the I that I am and being told to use whatever was in the room along with bags of icing, my mind started wandering.  I brought Mio water enhancer with me (because I cannot for the life of me drink just water).  Then I eyed the pack of sugar.  I dumped out a few packs of sugar and squirted the berry flavored Mio on the plate and mixed it all up.  The sugar turned a very deep purple and clumped together like little crystals.  I let them dry a little bit as I decorated my cupcake. 

It was really fun to walk around the room and see how people decorated their cupcake.  The more reserved personality traits used fewer colors and was more simply decorated while the outgoing and crazy (I personality) use every color in wild patterns and added sprinkles etc to
the cupcakes. 
This exercise was not only meant to help you in personal relationships in your life, or to assist you in recognizing your customers personalities and why they say the things they do, but also to help us grow as individuals. You have to know why you tend to do the things you do or say the things you say.  If you are conscious of it, then you can pay more attention to your words and how others may take what you say.  Some of us need to slow it down and speak with a softer tone, while some of us need to draw ourselves in and grow a little thicker skin.  
But the absolute best part of this project was eating the evidence.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Ready Right Now ~ MK 2012

I am back from my little adventure to Yakima, Washington.  I attended "Hometown Seminar" with my actual Unit.  It was a beautiful drive and only took 2.5 hours.   My cow and sock monkey enjoyed the ride too.
I blasted the music and opened the windows and sang at the top of my lungs.  I think I offended a few farm animals, but I am pretty sure none of the humans heard me, at least I pray they didn't. I arrived at the hotel around 1:30pm and was able to check in right away since my room was empty.  My room had a little deck that over looked the river and court yard.  It was very beautiful and peaceful. Even though it was in the 100s there, I opened the door so I could hear the sounds of the running river.  After I unpacked all my belongings I freshened up and headed down to dinner.  I met up with my Sales Director and a few other team members and helped them bring their luggage up to the room.  Then we all went back down to eat and chatted. 

Jennifer Snyder
After dinner, we met in the Court Yard to discuss our visions and who we are.  It was an eye opener for me.  This class was being ran by Jennifer Snyder (one of the other Sales Directors in the area).  It was her words that made me have an AHA moment and that moment carried me through the weekend.  "Are you living in your reality or are you living in your vision?"  Your reality contains self doubt, limitations, obstacles, constant hassle and stress of everyday life.  Your vision is who you are going to become, how you will get there, and your life as it will be.   So do yourself a favor and close your eyes and dream of the success in your life.  Where will you be when you consider yourself successful?  Visualize it.  No, seriously do this. 

Okay, so what did you visualize? Me, I visualized debuting on the Seminar Stage in 2013 as a Sales Director.  Then Jennifer told everyone to close their eyes again but only this time DREAM BIGGER!  No matter how silly it may seem or unrealistic dream it. When you think you have it, dream bigger still.  I visualized going on the Elite NSD trips and belonging to the Inner Circle of Sales. Then her voice haunted me . . . . Jennifer asked "Now why didn't you dream that to begin with?"  The ONLY person that can limit you is YOU. You put the cap on your dreams with the every day reality of life and we lose track of our dreams.

It is crazy the way one persons words can affect you to the point where that is all you think about for days.  But it has.  Those words were spoken Friday night and here it is almost midnight on Monday night and those words still consume me.

So live in your vision and always remember to dream bigger <3

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sound the Alarms!!

I am so ready to push this button right about now.  Tomorrow I leave for Yakima to spend the weekend with a group of women I do not know for some bonding and Mary Kay time.  As I said previously, I tend to get anxiety since I am a socially awkward person.  Plus I have the drive over the mountains, through the burning fires of Cle Ellum (you thought I was going to say through the woods didn't you?) to a small town that I vaguely remember going to when I was in Jr. High to watch a car show. 

Its amazing how the brain will play games with you. What if you forget something, what if something happens to your family and loved ones back home while you are gone, what if nobody likes you, what if you get into a car accident and nobody finds you off some side of the mountain?  It seems childish but when you have anxiety these are the sorts of questions that go through your brain.  Oddly enough, Mary Kay has actually eased some of these fears.  I am learning to adapt and face my fears head on. 

Maybe it was because my recruiter only went to one meeting with me then I was on my own. I didn't know anyone, didn't know anything about the business, just kinda went blindly and learned to enjoy the ride.  That actually may have strengthened me.  Or maybe I was meant to do this?  Not to mention every opportunity I get, I  listen to CD's or watch DVD's of successful National Sales Directors that get you motivated with your business and also teaches you what you could do that you haven't started or even how to improve upon what works for you.  If you don't know the name Gloria Mayfield Banks . . . LEARN IT QUICKLY!!

I am almost finished packing . . . I am sure there are some last minute things I will remember as the day goes on. Just to be sure I don't leave anything behind I am going to be living out of my suitcase today.  And just think . .  In October I get to do this all again when I go with the Supergirls Unit to Fall Advance in Oceanshores, Washington (on the Coast) led by Cindy Towne!! 

I am bringing my computer with me in case I need to handle some customer orders and to keep up with my social media, friends, and family.  Will also probably bring me some comfort and sense of normalcy.

Don't hit the pink button!!