Thursday, August 30, 2012

On Target

The first day of my Mary Kay Career was July 10, 2012 and at the beginning of the first quarter of the 50th Anniversary Year of Mary Kay Cosmetics.  At the time I had no idea what an honor it was going to be to take part in the festivities this year is going to offer. 

Last month, I announced my goal for the month of August which was to reach Senior Consultant.  Did I want my Red Jacket in August? Of course! But it was not my goal.  My goal was to get one team member. I wrote this goal down on the white board in front of all the Supergirls and today . . . I reached that goal.  I successfully recruited a woman I worked with at a Maritime Law Firm a few years back.  I admired her at the time and I am sure she didn't know it, but she will eventually now since she is my team member and will read this at some point.  I admired her because she was a strong woman.  She never let anyone talk down to her no matter who it was but yet she was one of the most caring people I have met.  She barely knew me when my birthday came around but when I walked in to my office I had balloons EVERYWHERE, a basket full of pink items, a pink tiara and a magic wand.  Oh and a boa that she made me wear.  Ill never forget that morning and how she made me feel!   Did I also mention she was a Mary Kay Consultant?

Fast forward many years and this time I am the Consultant.  I sent her an email and simply asked "Still selling Mary Kay?"  "No" she replied.  A few weeks pass and I take a shot in the dark and email her asking to meet up for coffee.  Since she was no longer a Consultant, I knew she had no concept of the newly launched Timewise Repair and I had no doubt she would want the product line.

We met up for coffee and it was just like old times. We took over a table in the Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble  with a few bags full of product. I walk through the changes throughout the past few years.  She purchases a few odds and ends and tells me she is going to sign up to get the product at a discount but also now that she is retired she is going to actively build her business right along with me. 

I am so BLESSED to have her on my team as I continue my journey to Directorship.  There are those people you meet that need Mary Kay in their lives, but then there are people you know that Mary Kay needs . . . and Mary Kay NEEDS Debra.


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