Thursday, August 16, 2012

Career Board

I have been in the process of making my first Career Board for some weeks now.  At first, I sat the stared at this blank white board wondering what in the heck I was going to do with it. For days I contemplated  . . . . where was this going to go and why cant I get started on this thing?  No matter how much I focused on it or how much I thought about it. I couldnt get anything started.  Then I figured out why!! It was solid white . . . plain, boring, sterile and WHITE!  I took out some paints and went to town and came up with this a few hours later.

Since I am still very new to Mary Kay, it took me some time to figure out what the different levels were, how to achieve them, and how long it would take me to achieve it.  Going to the Director Faster Conference over the weekend helped me with all of this.  My goals became very clear. 

 This quarter my goal is to obtain at least one team member so I move up to the rank of Senior Consultant. I also expect to reach Star Consultant.  Since I know I just reached the Diamond level, I am aiming for Emerald by the end of the Quarter (Sept 15). By Mid October I am aiming for Red Jacket and Star Team Builder.  This will be on track for DIQ which is my next goal.  While at the Director Faster conference, I wrote down and signed my goal of DIQ with a deadline of December 1, 2012.  Then I have a few months to reach my last goal for this board which is to debut on the stage at Seminar 2013 as Director!

Just like my board, things are finally starting to come together and things are becoming very clear.  I will make this happen!


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