Saturday, August 11, 2012

Give Me Power!!!

There is always a song. You know what song I am talking about.  No not the one that sticks in your head for days every time you hear it and not the one that annoys you to no end.  I am talking about the song that gets you motivated.  The song that you FEEL and that speaks to you.  This is known as your power song.  Buy it off Itunes, save it in your favorites off Youtube . . listen to it in the car, in your office, in the shower, and even when you are getting ready for work.  You will be surprised just how powerful this song can be for you.  Not only will it make you feel more confident but this is something you will put out there for others and they will feel it and see it too.  Make it yours! 

Here is my power song right now.  It is in Spanish and English and by Prince Royce. 


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