Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning

Cue yawn and stretch here . . . . I tried to stay awake last night to watch the meteor shower but I just could not keep my eyes open anymore.  Right before I went to sleep I managed to watch a very large brilliant one shoot across the sky.  It was such an amazing feeling to see it.  I felt like a little kid who just looked up at the sky for the first time.

So here I sit with my coffee writing this little blurb and all I can think about was the meteors I saw last night.  But I must get motivated for today.   Later on I have a conference to head to at the Dream Center.  Cindy Towne, a National Sales Director, is giving a 3 hour long class on how to get to Director faster. Let me tell you, I jumped on that chance so quick, I was the first one to register. There are only 50 slots so it is a more intimate setting.  Seven of my adoptee unit members are also going so it should be a blast. 

Then later on tonight I have a Unit Conference call.  Monday is skype training and Tuesday is my Success Event.  All of this is leading up to this next weekend.  I will be in Yakima meeting my Sales Director Debbi and the rest of my actual Unit in a weekend retreat that includes an award ceremony.  Yay for getting to wear a little black dress again :)  I am excited but also scared at the same time.  I will not know anyone there.  Being socially awkward and in introvert, this should be a blast. Oh did I mention I get anxiety when I am driving somewhere that I do not know where I am?  HA!! Lets add some fuel to the fire.  But I am sure I will be fine. I am pretty positive I will have a ton of fun and meet some new friends . . . its just my brain playing games with itself to make me paranoid. 

So that is my plan for this week.  Most of all I NEED to sell this week.  I have spent the last two weeks focused on my materials, getting organized, and doing career talks. 

I leave you today with some inspiration from your local coffee shop.  Sometimes it is so pretty I don't want to drink it and ruin it.


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