Sunday, August 12, 2012

Director Faster Conference

I would say I only have one word to describe the conference I went to today but I can't. I am SPEECHLESS!  Last night I was nervous as all heck.  Even this morning I was a wreck.  But as soon as I got there, Cindy Towne came up and started talking to a Consulant who came with me, so I smiled, extended my hand, and introduced myself.  I cannot for the life of me figure out why I had no fear in that moment but I didnt.  Here we all are. . .

Cindy Towne is an amazing woman. She joined Mary Kay in 1981 when she was working as a hair stylist.  In 1985 Cindy won her first pink car and in 2004 she became a NATIONAL Sales Director.  Her daugher and mother are also Directors with Mary Kay. Her unit has been extremely successful earning $500,000 plus in sales 11 times and her highest sales in one year was $800,000 and was runner up in the Queen of Unit Sales in 2000.  Not only has Cindy earned many notorious diamond rings but also earned trips for her and her husband to Africa, Hungary, Gibraltar, Paris, Spain, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Alaskan Cruise, Bermuda Cruise, Baltic Sea, Russia, Australia and Great Britian, Ireland, Italy, and Hawaii. Oh did I mention she has received 14 FREE cars and is currently driving a PINK Escalade Hybrid?  Her highest monthly check pushed $20,000 and YES that is MONTHLY and became a Mary Kay Millionaire and just earned her second million as a National Sales Director.

To say today was motivational for me doesnt begin to cover it.  Today was all about recruiting and building your team to become Director.  I now realize what I need to do and how I need to get there.  All I have to say is that I will be in this suit (Director's) hopefully Seminar 2013. WAIT I WILL be in this suit at Seminar 2013.


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