Friday, August 10, 2012

Sell Sell Sell!!

I bought my inventory, ordered my bags and organizers, attended meetings, and sold to my friends.  Now . . . it is time for Skin Care Parties.  I need to generate a good customer base and the only way to do that is to get out and meet people.  Have I mentioned that I am socially awkward and a introvert? How in the world am I going to do this?  To give myself a little push, I bought a few facial boxes and put them in a local tanning salon and nail salon that I go to regularly.  I have checked the boxes once.  Every time I open the lid, a sense of panic comes over me!  What if there are names in this box? Then what do I do?  That would mean I have to talk to people !! (Enter very loud gasp here). 

I started an online program as well called "Promoter Program."  This is very similiar to the Hostess Program I would typically give a Hostess of a party.  A person decides to be a promoter for me and refers new customers my way.  As they purchase products, we keep track of who ordered and how much and the promoter earns credit towards their next purchase.  If the promoter recruits other promoters for me (and they are active) then the percentage they receive from total sales goes from 10 percent to 15 or 20 percent depending upon if they recruit one or two promoters.  So if the promoter recruits two promoters and his/her friends purchase $500 worth of product, then the promoter receives $100.00 off their next purchase. 

Bottom Line:  I need to keep repeating to myself "YOU ARE NOT A WIMP"


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